Buy theme
Update History
Version 4.12
Compatibility with WordPress 6.7Added
Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5Improved
Mobile navigation layoutUpdated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.7.25)Updated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (8.1)Updated
Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.6.5)Fixed
Compatibility issues with Elementor version 3.26Fixed
Blog posts white space issues for some layoutsFixed
Theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template filesVersion 4.11
Compatibility with WordPress 6.6Added
Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3Added
Option to add Tiktok social icon in headerImproved
Changed Twitter logo to X logo in multiple placesImproved
Blog slider open link click areaUpdated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.7.19)Updated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (7.9)Updated
Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.6.4)Fixed
Theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template filesFixed
Post format settings not working on WordPress 6.6Version 4.10
Compatibility with WordPress 6.5Added
Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8Added
Option to show header mobile ad place in theme settingsUpdated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (7.6)Updated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.7.10)Fixed
"Show Only Specific Categories" for Blog slider doesn't work correctly in some casesVersion 4.9
Notification in the dashboard for users using the deprecated Unyson pluginUpdated
Unyson framework removed from the recommended plugins list due to its closure on WordPress.orgUpdated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (7.3)Updated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.19)Fixed
Removed leftover Google+ codeFixed
Sticky feature not working in some casesFixed
Overlapping issue with post categories style options in certain casesVersion 4.8
Instagram option for the Social Networks elementAdded
Option to disable titlebar title in the theme settingsUpdated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (7.1)Updated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.16)Fixed
Description length doesn't work in some casesVersion 4.7
Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.8 (tested and working well)Updated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.13.0)Updated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.14)Updated
Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.6.0)Fixed
Twitter share button doesn't work correctly in some casesFixed
Theme contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template filesVersion 4.6
Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 (tested and working well)Added
Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.6 (tested and working well)Updated
WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.11.0)Updated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.12)Updated
Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.9)Improved
Removed some leftover codeFixed
Multiple typos in the theme dashboardVersion 4.5.2
Youtube post block video not full widthFixed
Blog post format options not working in some casesVersion 4.5.1
Category page descriptionFixed
Demo buttons not clickableVersion 4.5
Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.3 (tested and working well)Improved
Removed unrelated notices in the dashboardImproved
Theme license activation functionalityUpdated
Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.6.10)Updated
Yellow Pencil Pro to the latest version (7.5.8)Fixed
Blog post format options not working in some cases