Theme Update

The latest theme versions offer new features and bug fixes, so it is recommended to keep your theme up to date. Updating a theme is very simple (works for 4.2.2 and later theme version):

  • Step 1 – Log in to your WordPress Installation
  • Step 2 – Make sure that the theme is activated in Gillion dashboard (located at the top of the left admin sidebar)
  • Step 3 – Go to Dashboard > Updates
  • Step 4 – Here you can check for updates by clicking Check again
  • Step 5 – If Gillion theme update appears in the theme list section – simply click on theme checkbox and choose Update Themes
  • Step 6 – Wait for the theme to update. You now have the latest theme version

Child Theme

Gillion theme includes a Child Theme which is meant for custom modification.

What is a Child Theme?

A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme.

Why use a Child Theme?

If you modify a theme directly and it is updated – your modifications may be lost and overwritten. By using a Child theme and making the modifications there – you will ensure that your modifications are preserved.

Installing a Child Theme

To install a Child theme – install “” in the same way as a regular WordPress theme.

Helpful links

Tips and Tricks


We have found some great plugins that can substantially increase your website’s loading speed.

Minify JavaScript and CSS Files

To reduce the number of requests to your website server, we recommend to use file combine and minifying plugin, which allows you to combine and minify your CSS and JS files, thereby improving page load times.

You can choose one of the following plugins:

Cache Static Pages

If your website has multiple static pages with the information not being updated too often, you can use some caching plugins. They create, generate and save static files of your website making page loading much quicker.

You can choose one of the following plugins:

Clear Post Revisions

When making changes to your WordPress posts or pages, each change is being saved to database as a new version. After multiple post and page changes the database can become a little slower. To avoid this – we recommend to remove older post and page versions. Just make sure to create a backup before that.

You can choose one of the following plugins: